Construction to continue working through latest lockdown

Construction in lockdown

When Boris Johnson announced the first national lockdown in March 2020, construction was the subject of debates, with some questioning lack of clarity. Workers who chose to work were subjected to social media pressure to “#shutthesites”.

After implementing new procedures where construction sites able to fully re-open, with social distancing and hygiene procedures in place. This often meant fewer workers on site at one time with longer site opening hours.

In the prime minister’s latest announcement of a second national lockdown, Boris Johnson has made it clear that the construction industry must continue to work. The second lockdown is set to run from 5th November until 2nd December.

The prime minister said “The virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst-case scenario of our scientific advisers […] so now is the time to take action because there is no alternative. Workplaces should stay open for where people can’t work from home, for example in the construction and manufacturing sectors.”

It is also confirmed that tradespeople can continue to work in people’s home following a statement from Build UK, providing no one is showing any coronavirus symptoms. Construction sites are being advised to review their social-distancing measures and remind workers of the importance of complying with site operating procedures while on site.

In addition, Build UK has produced an authorisation letter template for employers in the event of construction workers being stopped on journeys to and from sites anywhere in the UK.

The extended furlough scheme will allow employees to continue receiving 80% of their current salary, up to a maximum of £2,500, until 1st December. The job support scheme which was due to begin on 1st November has been postponed until the furlough scheme ends in December.

Do you work in the construction industry? If so, how will the second lockdown affect you and your job? Share this post and get in touch with your thoughts.






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