When the ROYD Culture Team first launched, its primary focus was for a group of employees, separate from the company’s management team, to club together and enrich the working environment at ROYD. As the company has grown, so has the culture team and their aims. Starting in 2023, the team was eager to begin looking outwards from the company walls and out to the broader community. Therefore, work began planning a series of volunteering and community events that would allow us to give back to society both locally and nationally.
So began a year of firsts for ROYD, several members of the team took part in our first-ever company litter picking event in which a dozen ROYD employees donned high-vis jackets and litter pickers before hitting the streets. The team encountered the perils of overflowing bins, crisp packets blowing in the wind, and half-finished alcohol bottles lurking in bushes. Another event involved the culture team along with a handful of other plucky volunteers spent a day helping out at Farleigh’s Hospice, an event that saw the team, hauling concrete slabs, weeding the garden, and more. All for the price of a cup of a few cups of tea. Furthermore, being more than aware of the cost of living crisis gripping the nation, we donated our first-ever box of food and toiletries to Saxon House’s local food bank.

We also hosted several internal fundraising events. This autumn also saw the team host our first-ever Macmillan Coffee Morning. The team was encouraged to either bring in their own homemade cakes or, for the less kitchen literate, store-bought ones. The culture team did further work, organising in-office events for breast cancer care, in which the team united to wear pink, and prostate cancer awareness. The team also continued our support for the poppy appeal.
The culture team will continue their hard work as we head into 2024, we are excited to see what they have planned for the future.
Click here to find out more about the culture team’s work.